Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Aso Farm Land!!
Surprise Party!!!!
Girls Party♫
Christmas Eve!
After school, I met Testuro, a friend of mine from same prt-time job. We are just friends but did like a date because it was 24th (laugh)!!!!! We went to Mosburger and ate Mos chicken and it was so good. There were many people at Mosburger and they bought many chickens so we were surprised!!!! After that, we went to Rikigou to see illumination! It's near to his house so we went there by foot. It was just housing estate but it was soooooo beautiful so I was moved and became happy!!!!!!! We talked and laughed a lot so I had very good time!!!! Thank you, Tecchan!!!!!!!
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Big Presentation♪
My group plan was students conveniences. We had three plans. First, we think we need lockers because many students bring heavy baggage to college and they have part-time job and go to somewhere after school so they are difficult to have them all day! And also some people don't have textbooks because they irritate having them so if there are lockers, they don't forget to have them so we think need lockers. Yoshiko's group said there are no space to set lockers but I don't think so. I think KGU can build locker building!
Next, we need more vending machines because we don't have much time between classes so if there are many them, we can buy food and drink easily! And also, there are no food vending machines at KGU so I think selling food is good thing like French fries, Fried chickens and so on. School restaurant, Bakery and Lawson are always full of people so vending machines are very useful for us.
At last, we need underpass. Underpass is connect any buildings. If it's a rainy day, we have heavy bags and umbrellas but we don't have to use umbrellas if the underpass is built. For example, building 14 is so far to other buildings so it's very convenient if it's built. And also we need flat escalates on the underpass. Flat escalators are usually at airport. It's very useful and people use wheel chairs can go to classes early and without wet so we think underpass is necessary for us.
Yoshiko's group plan was mini mall is necessary at KGU. I think the mini mall makes us fun to going to school so it's good but I don't agree with you. If there is a mini mall, some people will skip classes and forget what time is it so it's bad for students. And also students have no much money so they waste money. In addition, there ate library, Lawson and Bakery or Green Campus so we enjoy college life now so we don't need the mini mall. They said they need cellphone shop at the mini mall but there is small cellphone shop at KGU now and KGU is near to downtown. We can go to downtown for about 10 minutes by bicycles so we don't need it. So we think we don't need the mini mall.
We discussed over 10 minutes we had good time to think about our college.(444 words)
Thursday, December 24, 2009

On December 22nd, it was my birthday!! However I had to go to school...so I went to school and took classes. At lunch, some friends of mine came to me and said to me, “Happy
Birthday, Mayu!!” and I received many presents!!!!!!!! I was soooooooooooo happy!!!! Thank you!!!!!!!!! I had much hard time but I could forget them thanks to my

friends!!! I'm a lucky person to have many many good friends!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you! Thank you very much❤❤
After school, I took English conversation class. The day was Christmas party and My birthday party!!!! So we had many sweets, chicken and cake!!!!!! We enjoyed talking and eating!!!!!
My twenty birthday was soooooooooo good birthday:-))))))) I'm soooooooo happy!!!!!!!(116 words)
On December 21st, I met Aya, a friend of mine from high school because 20th was Aya's birthday and 22nd is my birthday!!!!! So we celebrated our birthday!!!!! We have been done it when we were high school students. We had dinner at Capricciosa which is a Italian restaurant at Kamitori. We ate a lot and talked a lot♡ After that, we exchanged birthday presents!!! I gave her an umbrella and a lip gloss:-) I received photo album!!!!! I was so happy because I have many many pictures!!!!!! We took prikura and went to karaoke and we enjoyed singing♫ We had very very good time!!!! Happy birthday, Aya and me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (111 words)
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
The Pizza That We Made

Suzanne, Max and Jake are children and they decided to cook pizza. First, they mix the dough singing♬ Next, they mash and fold it. Then they made the dough fly!! And also they add toppings and put the pizza in the oven. They ate all the pizza and it was yummy. They enjoyed cooking the pizza!!!
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Happy Birthday, THOMAS!

The day was Thomas's birthday but his friends were busy so he also had to work... So he has never said “Happy birthday.” When he came home feeling tired and sad, he was very surprised because the birthday party was taken place!!!! They were busy but they were busy to preparing for his birthday party!!!! Today is my birthday so I read it!! I became happy to reading it!!!
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Yesterday, Midori and I went to RKK WINTER GROOVE 2009!!!! It's fashion show and live!!!! We met in downtown at 12:30 and we ate ramen at Niboraya. It was not strong and very good. I have been there about 4 years ago so I was happy to go there again!!!!! Then we went to the live!!!! First, there was fashion show and the fashion model was street model so many friends of mine took part in the show!!! All models were so cute and cool I thought I want to participate the show:-) After that, we saw live!!!!!!! 6 artists took part in the show. I especially like Miliyah and Shota Shimizu so their songs were soooooooooooooooooo good!!!! I was very very happy to able to listen their songs☆ If the live is taken next year, I want to go there again!!!! (143 words)
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Birthday Party

On Monday, Yukimi who is my best friend's birthday!!!! So I went to downtown to go to her birthday party after school:-) The restaurant was Garden Party which was all-you-can-eat restaurant and the food was good and we enjoyed eating and taking very much!!!! I gave her pierced earrings and bracelets as a present!! She looked happy so I became happy too!!!! We took a prikura and go home at 22:00. Happy Birthday, Yukimi♥♡(75 words)
Past < Future
On Wednesday, I went to Hikarinomori with my mother after school. Then I wanted shopping but there weren't things I wanted so I was sad.... After that, we went to Ajisen ramen. I don't like tonkotsu soup but I like Tsukemen in Ajisen ramen:-) So I ate it and it was so good and the staff was very kind!! I want to eat it again!!!! Before we go home, we went to Tsutaya because I wanted to buy CD. Namie Amuro released a new album on Tuesday! So I bought it and we go home soon. I listened the CD and I was happy to buy it!!! The CD included a DVD and a cute poster:-D I became more happy♥ I knew Namie Amuro will take lives next year so I want to go!!!!!!!!! I love her very very very much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (142 words)

“Tell me a story about Mother Bear, when she was a little cub. About mother Bear
and the robin. I like that story.”
One day, Little Bear came to visit Grandmother and Grandfather Bear in their little house in the woods. The Little Bear loved them and they loved him too. He also liked to listen their stories! First, he asked to grandmother and she talked about his mother and her robin. Next, he heard grandfather about goblin story. Both of two he liked and he enjoyed staying at their home. He was not tired...But he was fast asleep when his parents came to the house. It's a cute story and I thought little bear was so pretty☆★
The book is Harper Trophy, YL is 1.2-1.6 and 1399 words.(127 words)
Amelia Bedelia

“Oh, Amelia Bedelia, your first day of work, and I can't be there. But I made a
list for you. You do just what the list says.”
Mr.&Mrs. Rogers hired Amelia Bedelia as a housekeeper. The first day, they had to go out so Amelia Bedelia worked alone at their home. They made a list for her so she had to do just what the list said. Before she started to work, she made lemon-meringue pie to make a surprise for them. After that, she started to work the list said but her working were somehow strange!! After they went home, Mrs. Rogers got angry with her working but she forgot about being angry when she ate the pie!!! The pie made Amelia Bedelia to stay the home. It's very funny and I'd like to eat the pie❤
The book is Herper Trophy, YL is 1.4.-2.2 and 1036 words.(147 words)
Monday, December 14, 2009
I bought sweet which is a fashion magazine!! I have never bought it but the cover model was Namie Amuro♥ I love her so I bought it!!!! She is sooooooooo cute☆ Sweet included a bag of MARC BY MARC JACOBS!!! It's very pretty and useful so I use it as my lunch box bag! I like reading fashion magazines so I want to read many magazines if I have much time and money!!!! Ah....Amuro chan is sooooooooooooooooooo cute!!!!!!!!!!!(78 words)
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Last Friday, I went to Hikarinomori with my boyfriend after school. I bought a birthday present for a friend of mine and I bought pierced earrings. After that, we went to Pisolino to have dinner. It's a all-you-can-eat Italian restaurant and the pasta and pizza are sooooo good and we ate them a lot so we was full soon:-) I like Italian so I want to go there again!!! On the way going home, we found a illumination spot but it was a animal hospital!!!!!! I was so surprised but it was very beautiful and cute★ Illumination makes me happy!!!!!!!!(100 words)
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Next week!!
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Kumamoto University
This Monday, I went to Kumamoto University to see some of friends from high school after second period. My friend took me there by her sister's car!! Thank you, Yuka!!! After that, we gathered at gate of the University. We haven't had lunch yet so we went to the school restaurant. I have never eaten lunch there so I felt happy to eat lunch there!!! There were many dishes so I worried what I eat!!!! I ate hamburger steak and salmon salad. They were good and I thought I want to go there:-) We talked a lot and we had a very good time there. I had a class in this afternoon so I went back to my college early but I could enjoy talking!!!(125 words/13437 words)
Last Satueday, I took TOEIC test and I went to downtown with a friend of mine, Midori! We went to eat lunch at Shower St. We went to ICHIBAN which is a casual French restaurant and we went there first time. We ordered course lunch and it included salad, a cup of soup, bread, a main dish, a desert and a cup of tea. It was 1000 yen!! The main dish was chicken on tomoto sauce and the desert was fruit gratin♪ They were sooooo good and I have never eaten the fruit gratin. I felt a little strange that the desert was hot but it was delicious!!!!! There is a cheese fondu lunch but we didn't eat it at that time so I want to eat it next time:-) The chef was so funny and kind. And also the restaurant was very comfortable so I want to go again and I recommend you it;-)) (155 words)
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Preparing for discussion
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Ice cream!!
At noon, I had a lunchbox with a friend of mine, Midori at bakery. We enjoyed talking and eating!! After that, we found a ice cream machine there. It has never sold before so we wanted to eat it!!! So we bought it and tried to eat. It was 100 yen but very good and sweet!!!! If I have a free time and come to bakery, I want to eat it!!!!!!!!!!! If you come to bakery at KGU, please try to eat it!!(78 words)